Standing Strong Inc. is committed to helping adults seeking help with alcohol, substance abuse, and mental health related issues. If you or a loved one needs help, contact us to schedule an in –person interview (some interviews can be scheduled on the same day that you call in). At the time of the interview, please bring picture identification, social security card, and current insurance card or insurance information if you have them.
Phone us today at
410- 235- 3060
or 443-854-7442
or 410-375-4872
to make an appointment.
Who is Eligible for services?
We currently serve clients who are currently eligible for Medicaid insurance at this time. We are working on establishing agreements with private health care providers to offer services to individuals with private insurance.
What are the fees?
Individuals who qualify under Medicaid, all related fees are set and paid for by Medicaid. We also offer sliding fees rates for other individuals seeking services that do not qualify for Medicaid. The fees will be based on your documented income that must be presented at time of initial assessment. Once fees have been established, you will receive a fee schedule with amounts that are do before each session. The schedule and amounts must be signed for as documentation that the fee information was received and agreed to before any sessions can take place.