Standing Strong Inc. provides Psychiatric Rehabilitation Program (PRP) services under the standard of the Commission on Accredited Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) and approved under COMAR 10.63.01-06.
The PRP services provides rehabilitation and support for participants to develop and enhance their community and independent living skills.
Services will be provided onsite at the PRP facility
Monday through Friday
9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
located at
office 2701 E Monument Street
Baltimore, MD 21205;
at a residence, job or another appropriate location in the community (off-site); or at a combination of the two (blended onsite and off-site).
The program promotes recovery, full community integration, and improved quality of life for persons who have been diagnosed with a serious mental health condition.
The program offers community PRP services to eligible Adults.
Example of services offered:
* Symptom and illness Management
* Budgeting and Personal Living Skills
* Stress Management and Relaxation Techniques
* Anger Management
* Computer and Technology Training
* Job/Vocational Readiness and Development
* Assistance with Entitlements (Social Security, Mobility)
* Co-Occurring (Substance use and mental health)
* Art/Creative Expression
* Social Skills Development
* Empowerment
* Personal Safety and Advocacy
* Crisis Intervention